When you need recruitment support!
We help you with all the work up to the final interviews. Then, we hand over the process to you. The chance that the recruitment ends up successful is much greater if you conduct the final interviews yourself, and so there is no reason to be overcharged for it.
54 900 kr
Interested? We'll contact you.
Easy Recruitment includes…
- Us writing a professional advert
- publicerar annonsen på Sveriges största jobbsidor (Monster, Indeed m.fl.)
- Handling and communication with candidates
- Categorize and select candidates
- A personality test
...the rest is up to you
Conduct the final interviews, reference checks and decide who to employ.
We’ll be available to support you throughout the process, and all candidate information will be at your disposal in the recruitment tool.
Advertisement is included
With Easy Recruitment your advert will be published on the largest job sites in Sweden and shared through our personal network and social media channels.
Overview Recruitment Services
The recruitment process
Requirements profile
Creative & active search
Coordination & administration
Selection & rating
Communication with candidates
Employment psychological test
1st reconciliation
Personal interviews (competence-based)
Check recerences
Follow-up & evaluation
Background check
Easy Recruitment
+ 4 900 kr
54 900 kr
+ 4 900 kr
79 900 kr
+ 4 900 kr
Quotation based
Download our manuals for free
Recruitment is a craftmanship, but if you have the time you can manage the recruitment yourself. Our manuals can be a great support. Enter your email and you will be able to download any of our manuals for free.